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Babysitter & Safety Course
One of our most popular courses offered monthly. Want to earn money while having fun and creating a true business for yourself? Thinking about becoming a nanny or babysitter? If you’re thinking about becoming a nanny or babysitter, but do not know where to start, look no further than here!
Ideal for ages 11 and older. Includes 2 year certification.
Cost $75.00. Course is offered In-person (full course) or Online.
Is this for me?

Trust me! Setting up a business is no small job, however it can be made more easy when you have the steps to follow and know what to do. When you have the steps to follow and understand what to do it, can be made easier. you’ll want to make sure that you because this will likely be your first business have all of the info to help you be successful.
One of the most important elements of being a successful babysitter is ensuring that children are having a good time while you’re babysitting them and are safe. In this training you learn the basics, safety and life saving skills.
In the event of an emergency or an injury, you’ll have the abilities and confidence to respond and ensure you have the help you need. Course is ideal for ages 11 years old and older. Includes 2 year certification.
Important things to know
For students under the age of 18 we require a minor policy form signed by the parent. We appreciate your understanding
Course includes 2 certification
Under 18? Minor policy form required click here.

If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact us.
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